So missionary work is really hard. I heard it a million times before I left but I didn't really understand how hard it can be. This week was really disappointing and frustrating.
I promised myself before I left that I would be super honest in my letters and not sugar-coat things. So I'm going to talk about the hard times as well as the good.
I learned something about myself this week. I struggle to have patience and charity with people. We had appointment after appointment fall through this week and I was getting really fed up with our investigators, but I was trying to play it cool. Its no big deal. And then last night we had an appointment in Osgood so we had to drive like 20 minutes to these people's house and they decided to not be home. UGH I was not very happy.
I started complaining to SIster Latu, "Why are people so unreliable? Why can't they at least call if they can't make it to an appointment?"
Sister Latu then asked me a very telling question in response. She asked, "Do you love the people we're teaching?"
Wow. I had to think for a second. Do I love our investigators? Or am I so set on accomplishing my own goals that I have forgotten that these are real people we are teaching?
Needless to say, I decided that my goal for this week is to have more charity.
So right now we are not teaching as many people as I would like to be and the work has slowed down A LOT. But I feel like my personal growth and testimony has increased ten-fold.
I had a neat experience while praying one morning this week. I was asking Heavenly Father to help me to know of His love for me. I asked for reassurance to know if I am doing okay as a missionary. I felt very down on myself the past couple weeks and I just needed to know if God was satisfied with my efforts or if I needed to try harder. I felt a peaceful feeling of love fill my heart that I can't really describe. I know it was the Holy Ghost confirming that my Father in Heaven loves me and is proud of what I'm doing.
Anyways, transfers are this week! Sister Latu and I are staying together here in Eagle Rock Stake in Idaho Falls. So I have at least another six weeks in this area. I'm confident that the work will pick up soon.
Thank you all so much for your prayers.
I love you!
Until next time,