Monday, September 14, 2015

Disappointments and Miracles!

This week was another roller coaster week with some really great moments and also some of the hardest moments I've had so far. 

I guess I'll start with the bad moments and end on the good. So we are teaching a kid named Tanner. He's is a 12 year old boy and he acts like one. He has a hard time being serious and focusing when we teach him. He never keeps the commitments we extend and it seems like hes just not really progressing. So as a last ditch effort to help him we took him on a church tour which is where we show him around the church, focusing mainly on the chapel and the baptismal font. We showed him my favorite video about the Savior (called Because of Him) and I bore my testimony and I felt the spirit so strong. I asked Tanner what he felt. And Tanner's response? He just sat there for a sec and then was like "Can we go now?" 

Ugh I was so frustrated! I just want to shake this kid and tell him to at least try to have a spiritual experience! But instead we just smiled, finished the church tour and he went home. Sister Latu and I are probably going to have to drop him which is so sad. I know that the gospel would bless his life so much but it must not be the right time for him. 

So yeah that's the bad news. But we did have some pretty cool miracles this week too. 

Miracle 1: The first was just a lady we found while walking down the road on Friday night. She was just sitting on her porch with her little daughter and we walked up and started talking to her. Her name is Cassie and she said she met with missionaries like 10 or 15 years ago but they didn't take time to explain things to her and she felt rushed into baptism. So we asked if she'd be interested in meeting with us. We told her we would try to answer all her questions and stuff before even bringing up baptism and she said she wants to meet with us next week! Yay! 

Miracle 2: So we went to one of our bishop's homes and we started talking about this girl Brittany. Brittany's name was on a list in our area book and we thought we might try to stop by and see what her interest in church is. We decided to go to he Bishop first and ask him what he knew about her. He said he knew a LOT. He was planning on giving her a calling as the second counselor in the beehive class (one of the leaders over 12 and 13 year old girls). She has apparently been coming to church like every Sunday for months and he assumed she was just a baptized member. But shes not! So you can't have a calling if you aren't a baptized member of the church. But we can easily fix that problem! We are going over there sometime this week to talk to her about baptism and the significance of it and to ask if its something that she wants to do. But it sounds like it is. So we can't wait to meet and start teaching her! Whoo! 

So we had quite the week this week! A lot of ups and downs and a lot of growing experiences. I have learned lessons here that I would not be able to learn any other way and I feel so blessed to be a servant of the Lord. I've truly come to know of my Savior's love for me and the power in His atoning sacrifice. It is only through Him that progression and redemption are possible. 

I love all of you.
Until next time,
Sister Park

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