Guess what? My stay here at the MTC is winding to a close! I leave for Idaho in like two and a half days!! This experience has changed my life so much and I've only been here for like a week! Imagine what I'll be like after 18 more months of this!
I was reflecting last night on how I've changed the most since I've been here and honestly I think the biggest thing is that I'm just a lot happier. I'm so much more confident in myself and my beliefs. I just feel like what I'm doing here is so worthwhile and of eternal importance. Its hard for sure to be away from the comforts of home and living a normal life, but IT IS SO WORTH IT!!! I have felt my faith grow so much and I've had prayer after prayer answered. The Lord really does bless his servants.
So I just want to share a few nuggets of wisdom that I've learned this last week. First of all, we had one of the twelve apostles (Russell M. Nelson) come speak to us on Tuesday night which was amazing!! The whole time he spoke I just felt so grateful that we have these amazing church leaders running the affairs of the church. I know he is an inspired man who gave an inspired message. He said a lot of things that touched my heart but my favorite thing was this: "Missionaries are not salespeople. You are simply on your own journey to become more like the Savior". The Savior's whole life was dedicated to teaching people the gospel, even when they didn't accept it. I was worried that people would perceive me as intrusive and forceful (like a salesperson) but that's not what I think of when I think of Christ. And we are called to do exactly what Christ did. We just have to minister, bear testimony, invite, and LOVE!
We also got to hear a devotional from Sheri Dew (an Mormon speaker) and it was great. Sister Dew is like my inspiration. Since I'm a little more liberal/feminist minded than a lot of other missionaries I think I connected with Sister Dew a lot more. For those of you who don't know, Sheri Dew is like a super successful business woman who has never been married and doesn't have kids but is still such a strong member of the church. She just proves that you don't have to fit the "Mormon mom" mold to have a place in the church. Anyways, she talked about how to find answers to our spiritual questions. She said that we have to struggle with them and engage in a "spiritual wrestle" with God. Our Heavenly Father wants us to come to him with questions, and we might not get an immediate answer every time (or most of the time for me), but wrestling with and searching for answers to questions is okay!! Life is all about slow progression and as long as we are working toward gaining a stronger testimony, it doesn't matter if it happens overnight. In fact, I think testimony and faith are lifelong pursuits. Even when we are on our deathbeds, we can still have room to grow in our knowledge and our relationship with God.
Wow I'm being so preachy! I'm sorry! I'm just so excited about everything I've learned here and I wish everyone could have the opportunity to come to the MTC because it has changed my life completely.
Okay so I just want to thank everyone who sent me packages or letters this week!! I didn't realize how exciting it is to get things from the outside world! Kalli and Chad and Christy's family sent me some yummy treats that I've been snacking on every night so shout out to you guys! You are the best!
I love being a missionary. I feel so much closer to my Heavenly Father (probably because we pray like 15 times a day here, no kidding). I have just gained so much appreciation for my Savior and for the Book of Mormon since I've been here. Seriously if you haven't read the Book of Mormon in a while, GO READ IT! IT IS GOD'S WORD!!
I love you all so much.
Sister Park