Dear family and friends,
I made it through my first three days at the MTC (missionary training center)!! It has been nonstop work since I got here. The first day we jumped right in and started teaching investigators. Day one was super overwhelming because we hadn't gotten any training on how to teach yet but we still had to attempt to answer investigators questions. Day two was also really hard. We spent all day in classes and workshops and by the end of the day I was questioning if I could really do this for 18 more months. And then yesterday all my doubts dissapeared. Yesterday in class we really dove into what our purpose is as missionaries. This was perfect for me, and truly an anawer to my prayers because I wasn't really sure what my purpose or goals should be as a missionary. Our purpose as missionaries is to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them to recieve the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement, repentance, baptism, recieving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. Our purpose is all about INVITING!! The first couple days I was here, and also before my mission, I was apprehensive about forcing myself and my religion on other people, but that is not what I'm doing at all. I'm simply inviting others to recieve the blessings and happiness I have found through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Ahhh sorry, I am being so preachy but I guess thats what happens when you become a missionary. All you want to talk about is the gospel and spiritual stuff.
So my companion is the best. Her name is Sister Tenney and she's from Gilbert, AZ! How cool is that?? She was good friends with my BYU roommate, Kimmy, in high school! What a small world! She is seriously so friendly and has such a strong testimony of Christ. I couldn't have asked for a better first companion. We are so much alike; we are both really OCD about having a clean room, we both love chocolate, and we love teaching people about our beliefs (good thing we're on missions right?)! We are both headed to Pocatello so hopefully we get to serve together when we get out in the field.
Our district (which is like the group of elders and sisters we spend all our time with) is so great! There is a mix of people, some are going to Pocatello and others to Houston, Texas. We all get along so well and I'll have to send a picture of them next week.
Being here at the MTC is like a roller coaster of emotion. The first couple days were super hard, but with a few really great moments mixed in. Yesterday and today were really great, with a few hard moments mixed in. I just need to remember that even when I'm feeling down, my whole mission won't be like that. You have to be sad sometimes to appreciate being happy.
Part of me felt like when I got here, all my doubts would disappear and I would immedietly be 100% sure that what I'm teaching is true. Well, they haven't. But guess what? "Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things". I LOVE Alma 32 in the Book of Mormon. Alma's perspective on faith is seriously so perfect. All we are expected to do is hope that what we believe is true and act on it. Non-Mormon friends: If you can, get a Book of Mormon and read that chapter. I know a lot of you have questions and doubts about religion and faith and Alma 32 is a great explanation of faith and what its all about.
Okay now logistical stuff. My address here at the MTC is:
Sister Paige Nicolle Park
2009 N 900 E Unit 166
Provo, UT 84602
Also there is a website called where you can send me emails that get printed and I can get them the same day you send them. (If you just send emails straight to this email, I won't get to check them until my P-day, which is next Saturday).
I leave for Idaho on August 11 so after that you can send letters to my mission home in Idaho, which I'll send next week. I miss you all so much! Please write me! It's great to have contact with the outside world!
I love you all. I love my Savior, Jesus Christ. I love his gospel and the oppurtunity I have to immerse myself in it.
Love, Sister Park
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